Artworks by Sonja van Kerkhoff + others

- Last Things First -

The Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided TourThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided TourThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnailsThe Guided Tour: to a page of thumbnails
One Minute of Flow, 2025, 1 min video
Ghost (Wetland Rescue part 2), 2024, digital print
Kawakawa Wetland Rescue part 1, 2024, 2 min video
Old Media House, 2024, upcycled wood and books made with Ursula Christel, Cle Tukuitonga + Sen McGlinn
When I was young - Kua hua te marama, 2024, curation
The Clean Up / Te Whakapai, 2024, performance
House of the Living Te Whare o ngaa Hunga ora, 2024, performance
Tomato Soup, 2024, site specific installation with spoil
shutter room solo unbounded (te hinengaro whakawātea), 5-27 April 2024, The Shutter Room, 8 Rust Ave, Whangārei
Mā te kākano, 7-27 April 2024, Quest Art Space, 58 Bank St, Whangārei

Waiporoporo, Te Rewa Rewa In The Purple, Te Rewa Rewa bridge, 2023, 90 min performance, Ngāmotu / New Plymouth, Aotearoa / New Zealand
Birds Speak Everyday / Ka Kōrero Māori Nga Manu, 2023, acrylic on canvas + mixed media
The Weight of One Minute, 2023, 1 min video. Music by Craig Denham

whānau mārama, 2022, 6 min video. Music by Te Toroa Pōhatu
mis-Fit - Rāwaho, 2022, bilingual text - Te Toroa Pōhatu, taxidermy - Cle Tukuitonga
the moving ribbon writes ..., 2022, 1 min video. Music by Craig Denham
Waiporoporo, 2022, 4 min video. Music by Frederick Betram
He rangi putuputu | Intervals of sky, 2022, outdoor installation of painted vines
Take Care Tiakina Artist Zoom Sessions, 2022, 48 minutes

He manawa piharau | Endurance, 2021, Limited edition print on photographic paper
He toroa whakakopa | Staying the course, 2021, Limited edition print on transparency
He manu nō te rangi tonga | Bird of the southern skies, 2021, colouring in page
She, onna-bugeisha, 2021, free standing layered print with a rock
He tito nekehanga a waenga | Choreographies of in-between-ness, 2021, interactive screen projection
Deus ex machina, 2021, 47 second animation, music: by Craig Denham
The Shaman and the Healing Tree, 2021, Kawakawa tree, milk box, mirror, custom made shelf
Fading Roses, 2021, 3 min animation, music: Kath Tait

Re-staging - Pourangi mataora: Whakaaro whakahoki, 2021, outdoor sculpture
He rārangi wā - 2020 - unfolds, 2020, hinged paint - sculpture
Somewhere in the forest | I te wa, i te ngahere, 2020, 7 ' 22 " video, music: piano improvisation by Craig Denham.
A New Normal, 2020, one minute animation. Music: Craig Denham, Aoteaora | New Zealand
Just outside the picture ... (thinking of Joanna Margaret Paul) He poutama ki waho, 2020, triptych
Manners of Speaking | Te Pūkoro o Tāne, 2020, 12 min video, music: piano improvisation by Craig Denham.
Manners of Speaking - Te Pūkoro o Tāne - Geoff Wilson Gallery, curated exhibition, 2020
Ko rātou, ko tātou | On otherness, on us-ness NorthArt, Northcote, Auckland, Aotearoa | New Zealand

Last call for green, 2019, 1 min video. Music: sink \ sink, on the album 'a lone cloudburst' (2013). Written and performed by Gareth Schott.
"It is not a tale invented ...", 2019, 4 sculptural works in a forest, Kaipara Coast Sculpture Trail, Aoteaora | New Zealand
An unfinished symphony, 2019, 2 min video, music by Schubert + Semay Wu.
Last call for green, 2019, 1 min video. Music: sink \ sink, on the album 'a lone cloudburst' (2013). Written and performed by Gareth Schott.
Tulips from Istanbul, Kaipara Coast Sculpture Trail, 2018-19

Lifeline, 2018, limited edition photo-print
Tulips from Istanbul, NorthArt, Northcote, Auckland, 2018
The Poetic Condition - NorthArt, curated exhibition, 2018
Child's Play, 2018, series of photographic prints on aluminium or dubond
Pūmotomoto | Chapel for the soul, 2018, Kaipara Coast Sculpture Gardens, Aoteaora | New Zealand Meditation, outdoor painting, 2018
Mistresspiece (with pride), collage, 2018
Mistres(s)piece (with lifted feet), collage, 2018
Mistresspiece (with tears), collage, 2018
Mistresspiece (representations), collage, 2018
Portaits (the feminist), wooden triptych painting, 2018
Portaits (the teacher), wooden triptych painting, 2018
Passio ad Irsina | Passion play in Irsina, 2018, video, 23 min.
Te T-shirt show, 2018, curation

Paewae, 2017, print-object
The Poetic Condition | De Dichterlijke Aard, 2017, curation
Caravan to Brighton, 2017, Pavilion Gardens, Brighton, U.K.
Caravan to Irsina, 2017, XXV Luglio Plaza, Irsina, Italy
Once our world had edges, 2017, 3 min video, music by Gareth Schott's sink\sink band.
19 Gay Men and The Throne of God, 2017, 5 min video, with music and a soundscape.

The Poetic Condition | De Dichterlijke Aard, Dec 2016 - Jan 2017, curation, The Shutter Room, Whangarei, New Zealand
Site specific installation Galerie Tuinstaal, Leiden, The Netherlands
A paradox of place, 2016, painted relief object
My place under Matariki, 2016, painted relief object
Truisms, 2016, 19 paint-prints with New Zealand Māori (te reo) + English text
In the garden ... Truisms series, 2016, print painting with New Zealand Māori (te reo) + English
Justice is ... Truisms series, 2016, print painting with New Zealand Māori (te reo) + English

Gaia, 2016, suspended curtain

Crossing Contexts, 2016, 24 page catalogue
Cornerstones, 2016, 9 seat outdoor sculpture made with Sen McGlinn at the Whangarei Sculpture Symposium, Aotearoa | New Zealand
What kind of idea, 2016, limited edition print

The Yellows, 2015, 2 minute video. Music performed + arranged by M. Young
Primaries, 2015, limited edition print
Red Blue Yellow, 2015, limited edition print
The Prison of Self, 2015, limited edition print
Parsing the Image, 2015, limited edition print
Casting on | Aanhechten, 2015, limited edition print
In Milk we Trust, 2015, woven recycled New Zealand milk packaging
After Image, 2015, found footwear
Second Chance ~ Wai Rua, 2015, lithograph + text on paper
A piece of grandeur, 2015, watercolour + kauri slab
A 21st Century Feminist, 2015, print/relief object
Josepine's Mother, 2015, print/relief object

A guided meditation, 2014, video + soundscape
Out of the frame, 2014, ink drawing on shaped cardboard
Die Liebe in den Zeiten der EU | Love in the age of the EU, 2014. Animation incorporating a poem by Björn Kuhligk
Cover up | Āraitia, 2014, outdoor sculpture
Inside the Compass, 2014, outdoor sculpture
Platonic Ideal, 2014, suspended sculpture
In the land sculpture, 2014, land art + outdoors
Rubbish Blooms Otaki Forks, 2014, outdoor sculpture

Pop-up onna-bugeisha, 2013, photo/print/object
Threshold (The Nature Nurture Series), 2013, print
A hetero sexual organ (The Nature Nurture Series), 2013, print
The Rorschach Pansy Test (The Nature Nurture Series), 2013, print
Gangnam Style RAVE, 2013, video made with Sen McGlinn
The Feast of Tabernacles, 2013, sculpture made with Carmen + Sen McGlinn
Belief, 2013, ceramic objects, mirror + stand made with Sen McGlinn
Markings, 2013, ceramic objects, wax + mirror made with Sen McGlinn
A Multi-vision Mediation, 2013, video installation made with Carmen McGlinn
Through the Window, 2013, performance + video installation made with Carmen McGlinn
Bed Peace 2013, installation + performance made with Carmen McGlinn, performers: Toroa + Carmen McGlinn
Under the Trees, a suite of sculptural + performative interventions at Land Art Maastricht, 2013, made with Sen McGlinn
Community, nine tree trunks, 2013, made with Sen McGlinn
Rubbish Blooms, recycled plastic, 2013, made with Sen McGlinn
Chapel of the Soul, earth, mirror, and tree trunks, 2013, made with Sen McGlinn
Rubbish Blooms, recycled plastic, 2013, made with Sen McGlinn
Caravan From Istanbul, Chateau Bethlehem, 2013, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Prayer Wheels - Gebeds Tweewieler, mixed media + bicycle, 2013, made with Carmen McGlinn
I know that you love me (Ik weet dat je mij lief heb...), transparencies, 2013, made with Sen + Carmen McGlinn
Movement for mother and son, 2013, video made with Sen McGlinn, starring Tama McGlinn + Sonja van Kerkhoff.
Caravan From Istanbul, Hilo, 2013, Hawai'i, U.S.A.
THIS - about Tahora High-country International Sculpture curated by Sonja van Kerkhoff, 2013, Aotearoa | New Zealand
Grove, land art, earth and tree trunks, 2013, Aotearoa | New Zealand
Oratory at Tahora, land art, earth and tree trunks, 2013, Aotearoa | New Zealand
Caravan From Istanbul, Tahora, 2013, Aotearoa | New Zealand
Caravan From Istanbul, Ruatoki, 2013, Aotearoa | New Zealand
Kāinga - Puke Ariki (Home - Puke Ariki), 2013, video installation, Puke Ariki, New Plymouth, Aotearoa | New Zealand.
Portraits for the Spirit - Ngā Whakaahua o te Wairua 2013, site specific installation incorporating art by Rotorua artists made with Sen McGlinn

Art for Orientation, 2012/13, 6 week Rotorua Arts project
Caravan From Istanbul, Rotorua, 2012, Aotearoa | New Zealand
Caravan From Istanbul, Berkeley, 2012, California, U.S.A.
Colonising Beuys, Documenta 13, 2012, performance in front of the Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany
Colonising Commerce: the Aalmarkt 15, 2012, performance in a shop window, Leiden, The Netherlands
Third Nature: the threshold, 2012, outdoor sculpture proposal with Sen McGlinn
House of Worship - de Pieter, 2012, nine part outdoor sculpture made with Sen McGlinn
Room of Memories, 2012, outdoor sculpture for sleeping inside, made with Sen McGlinn
Patched Memories, 2012, sewn covering, made with Sen McGlinn

Gaia's Pillow, 2012, stencil print painting, made with Sen McGlinn
Tomorrow Looks Back (Time Rolls out), 2012, stencil print painting, made with Sen McGlinn
Riddle, 2012, stencil print with paint on shirt, made with Sen McGlinn
Unravelling the golden mean, 2012, stencil print with paint on a sock, made with Sen McGlinn
A walk in time, 2012, silkscreen on cardboard, made with Sen McGlinn
Window conversations, 2012, laser print on transparency.
First Twitters, print on transparency, 2013, made with Sen McGlinn
Into the line of time, 2012, made with Sen McGlinn, for SPLORE arts festival, Aotearoa | New Zealand
Transit in a green landscape, 2012, made with Sen McGlinn, video / happening, Aotearoa | New Zealand
Caravan From Istanbul, Fields of Wonder, 2012, Leiden, The Netherlands
Caravan From Istanbul, Mparntwe, 2012, Alice Springs, Australia
Caravan From Istanbul, Whangarei, 2012, Northland, Aotearoa | New Zealand
Caravan From Istanbul, Hawera, 2012, Taranaki, Aotearoa | New Zealand

Caravan From Istanbul, Christchurch, 2011, Christchurch, Aotearoa | New Zealand
Caravan From Istanbul, Nelson, 2011, Nelson, Aotearoa | New Zealand
Caravan From Istanbul, Murchison, 2011, Murchison, Aotearoa | New Zealand
Caravan From Istanbul, Dunedin, 2011, Dunedin, Aotearoa | New Zealand
Caravan From Istanbul, Manila, 2011, Yuchengco Museum, The Philippines
Colonising the New Rhine, Leiden, 2011, performance in on a bridge over a canal in Leiden, The Netherlands
At Sea | Op Zee, 2011, co-curation with Molly Ackerman, EAE Gallery, an exhibition of 18 artists, Leiden, The Netherlands
Caravan From Istanbul, Ibrahimpaşa, 2011, Cappadocia, Turkey
Kāinga a roto | Home Within , 2011, 5 video installation made with Toroa Pohatu and Sen McGlinn for ISEA Istanbul, Turkey
Caravan to Istanbul, 2011, performance in Taksim Square, Istanbul, Turkey
The Image, 2011, silkscreen print made with Sen McGlinn
Several Seas, 2011, computer print on transparency made with Sen McGlinn
Under perfumed flowers..., 2011, outdoor installation made with Sen McGlinn
He Paepae Hou (New Vessels) - in the mirrors of all the worlds, 2011, computer print on transparency

Kāinga a roto | Home Within | Innerlijk tHuis, 2010, 5 video installation made with Sen McGlinn
The Two Lands, 2010, 17 min video made with Sen McGlinn
And these realities... ...Y aquellas, 2009-10, animation with music by David Dely
360 clockwise around Europe, 2010, 3 min video with music by Sandy Hoover + Kath Tait

Heart of the Land, 2009, 4 min video
43 Paintings, prints and objects, Sep-Feb 2009-10, Aderna Kapsalon (Hairstylist shop), Leiden
Installation July 2009, in a shop in the Carlisle Art Festival, Carlisle, U.K.
Installation, July-August 2009, organized by the TreeTopGallery, Regents Park, London, U.K.
Paintings + sculpture, in the Lakenfeesten Kunstroute (art route) in Leiden, The Netherlands
Greetings from Leiden, 2009, performances in Nicosia, Cyprus
Waka Huia | Feather Vessel, 2009, suspended object in an edition of 35
Leaky Umbrellas, 2009, drawing + design inspired by music, edition of 35
Colonizing Santa Monica, 2009, performance in Santa Monica Promenade, California, U.S.A.
Sailing Home, 2009, performance outside the Whanganui Art Gallery and down the War Memorial Stairs, Whanganui, Aotearoa | New Zealand

Threads of the Day | Dagedraad, 2008, installations, Leiden, The Netherlands
Tablets | Tafelen, 1993/2008, cast resin + text
Wrapped, and at home, 2008, installation, video + performances
Nga Paepae Hou | New Vessels, 2008, installation, London, U.K.
The First Day - from the New Vessels series, 2008, computer print.
E te Atua | Oh God, 2008, poster designs, for show in London, U.K.
Galerie TamTam, 2008, curated an exhibition in 19 shop windows in Leiden
Kitchen Pythagoras, 2008, video + music
Leiden Reflection, 2008, drawings and photos on transparency

Town Dog, 2007, music + soundscape by Sen McGlinn + Sonja van Kerkhoff
Cross Pollination, 2007, made with Sen McGlinn, sculpture and sound piece
Through Other Eyes, 2007, made with Joris Slob, responsive web streamed imaging
Tomorrow Will Never Be The Same, 2007, made with Jiang Yiwei, net art

The Gardeners, 2006, interactive projection made with Loren Roosendaal
Voorbereiding op de inburgeringstoets
Preparation for the citizenship exam
, 2006, colouring page by Sen + Sonja
Choice, 2005-6, interactive game made with Ralph Kok
In the Lands of Knowledge, 2006, video
The experience of change, 2006, made with Jiang Yiwei, net art
Fruit, 2006, installation
Living Sound, 2006, interactive gadget made with Nick
Talk Back Pool, 2006, interactive sound work

Vignettes and Interstices, 2005, drawings, text and photographs inside boxes
Breathing In - E hau ana i roto, 2005-~, interactive flash *unfinished*   stills and text
Conversations, 2005, frieze of drawings in response to two poems in a Leiden music shop
Neighbours, 2005, performance during the Saravego Winter Festival
Pointer, 2005, painting on linen
Sleeper, 2005, painting on cottom
Flagbearer, 2005, painting a linen doilie

Dress It Up, 2004, engraved, gold painted, wooden object
The Gossamer Prison, 2004, cloth hanging.
Oceania, 2004, solo show - installations.
Terra Australis, 2004, text covered paperboats, stuffed toy and chair
Fain Would They, 2004, text from the Koran, small object
Ngā Hau e Whā, 2004, sculpture.
Observation, 2004, acrylic on canvas.
At the Edge, 2004, 3 minute video.
Photographs, 2004, taken in South Korea
The Wedding, 2004, installation / sculpture.
Generating Plant, 2004, object / sculpture made with Sen McGlinn.
Day of the Daffodils, 2004, performance.
Fading Roses, 2004, flash animation to a song by Kath Tait.

Fruits of the Earth, 2003, performance / installation.
An inland soul, 2003, hanging objects with soundscape.
Domestic Self-Surveillance, 2003, hanging object.

Colonising Oxford, 2002, performances / work on the street.
Foundations, 2002, photographic image.
A rite of Passage, 2002, performance.
With fire we text the gold, and with gold we test Our servants, 2002, wood sculpture.
Movement for Mother and Child, 2002, performance with Tamatea and Sen McGlinn.
Parking Spaces for Important Visitors, 2002, performance/installation with Sen + Jacqueline.

Inspiration, 2001-2, shaped canvas and cotton forms.
Children of Tāne, 2001, printed textiles + singlets.
Huia's Kete, my Baggage, 2001, relief object including photos.
Land, 2001, drawing, collage / computer print.
Something about New Zealand, 2001, performance/installation/video in Quartair, The Hague.
Juste pour les oiseaux (Strictly for the birds), 2001, performance / installation in Taller, France.
Onder vier ogen (Between you and me), 1999/2001, ceramic mask-forms
The Gesture, 2001, nine computer prints on the theme of the cross.
Te Wa... ( The Space, Place, Time...), 2001, computer print.

Dans le jardin des beaux arts, 2000-2001, performances, installations in 3 countries in 2000 and 2001.
(a collaboration between Jacqueline, Sen and myself). You Can Never Stand..., 2000, Bird-form bearing text.
Five pointed star divided, 2000, Texts on five pieces of transluscent cloth.

Grains of Salt, 1999/2000, small wall objects.

The continuously expanding space..., 1999,
video and slide projections, texts, hung objects, printed images and mirrors
(a collaboration between Jacqueline Wassen, Gaudi Hoedaya, Sen and myself). The Anatomy Lesson, 1999, painted cloth shirt.
The Living Creature, 1999, curated + performances for 7 artists and a 6 year old, in Southwark Park, London, as part of the InterAction Performance Festival.
Seeds of Hope, 1999 / 2002, small objects
Tabula Rasa, 1999, as part of InterAction, Southwark Park, London.
The Living Creature, 1999, curation - various media with 6 other artists in a gallery in London, U.K.
Grains of Salt, 1999, six minute video.
Small Ones, 1999, computer prints.
Martyrdom, from the Essences and Particularities series, 1999, computer manipulated drawing.

Drawings, 1998-2000, various media.
Making Salt, 1998, as part of the ISEA (InterSociety for Electronic Arts) symposium, Manchester, U.K.
Making Salt, 1998, website featuring photos and texts.
Memorials, 1996-8, ceramic tiles and printed text.

Big Ones, 1998, photo-transparencies.
The consequences (het noodzakelijk gevolg), 1998, computer print
Naked, computer print, 1998.
Apocalypse with four worlds, 1998, computer manipulated ink drawing. Edition of 20.
Ink drawings & computer prints, 1997-8.

My soul, myself, 1997, ink drawing.
Tulips from Istanbul, 1997, hanging cast resin tulip forms.
A tangled tale, 1997, batiked cloth bearing texts in three languages, metal frame.
Reciclar Recolocar (Recycle Relocate), 1997 performance / installation during the DRAP art recycling marathon, Barcelona, Spain.
Capturing the Light (camera obscura), 1997, photocopy
Ablutions, 1995 / 7, video projection onto a suspended cloth.

Change is a law of nature, 1996, commission by Hull Time-based Arts, Hull, U.K.
Concerning the Excess, 1996,
Nine minute video, voice in English + performers.
Crossing, 1996, video
Letters of the Living, 1996, lithograph (101kb image).
Letters of the Living, 1996, 19 flags over one kilometre of sand dunes.
Te Koru Iwa, 1996, fire drawing.

Mycelium, 1995, interactive computer installation.
Give and Take, 1995, postcard
Crossing, 1995, acrylic on cloth.
Parable of the Rich Fool, 1994, text from the New Testament, cast resin objects
Jonah´s Whale, 1994, silkscreen on cloth.
Athena, 1994, 2 minute video, performer: Cajla de Bruijn, music: Evren Celimli.
The Essences and Particularities Series, 1994-9, various media.
Essences and Particularities, 1994, 6 minute video, music: Evren Celimli.
Wrapping for a marginal citizen, 1994, 13 minute video, voice in English, music + performers.
Wrapping for a marginal citizen, 1994, 24 images of a baby with various texts silkscreened on cloth.
Wrapping for a marginal citizen, 1994, 24 images of a baby with various texts silkscreened on cloth.
Mutability, 1994, transluscent silkscreen print on transparent perspex.
Savour the Experience, 1994, 6 minute video, voice + performer.

Savour the Experience, 1993, during the European Arts Biennale, various locations around Maastricht.
He toa takitini taku toa, ehara i te toa takitahi, 1993, silkscreen print on paper.
Certain Measures, 1993, five engraved wooden rods, table.
Virtue of the rose, 1992-3, computer manipulated image inside a deep painted and engraved wooden frame.

Silkscreen and lithographic prints made in 1990 - 2, 1990-2

Shadow | Schaduw, 1992, etching + etching cardboard relief
Eve´s Apple, 1992, Lithograph and silkscreen print
She cast spells, 1992, silkscreen.
Latency, 1992, silkscreen.
The Gift - Het Cadeau - Te Koha, 1992, 10 minute video.
First Lessons in Relativity, 1992, hanging silkscreened cardboard dolls.
Learnt Steps, 1992, 2 minute video, performers: Natasha Rodenburg & Fiona de Bell.
The Subject Encounters, 1992, shoe-sized sculpture with silkscreened text.
I tend to see the world as one, 1992, silkscreened cardboard larger than life-size playing card form.
Your Honour, 1992, Etching
Eva was Hier | Eve was here, 1992, painted softboard + rope with pencilled text.
Replaced Text, 1992, text on film on a metal tray.
What sort of idea, 1992, photocopy, glass, vase, frame.

Lessons in Relativity, 1991, 2 minute video
Redesigning the Apple, 1991, ink, acrylic and ribbon on paper, text engraved frame.
Found Objects, 1991, photocopied drawings, deep wooden frame.

Found Objects, 1990, acrylic on canvas.
First Step, 1990, acrylic on canvas.
Coming Out, 1990, pastel and acrylic on paper.
Ladies Touch Sevens, 1990, lithograph

On The Face of the Waters, 1990, acrylic on canvas.

Coming Out II, 1989, ink on paper.
Self portrait as a bottled peach, 1989, acrylic on canvas.
He maatua, 1989, acrylic on canvas and paper.
Superwoman takes a rest, 1989, acrylic on paper.
Terms of Reference, 1989, acrylic on paper.
Ae, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata, 1989, acrylic on paper.
In the woods, 1989, acrylic on paper.
Ko toku matua whero, 1989, acrylic on paper.
Wahine nui te po, 1989, acrylic on paper.

Ko tenei ahau, 1989, acrylic on paper.
Wahine etahi, 1989, acrylic on canvas.
Ko toku aroha, 1989, etching.
He mahi wahine, 1989, silkscreen print.
He Kuia, 1989, ink on paper.
Greetings Mother, 1989, acrylic on paper.

He matua, 1988, acrylic on canvas.
The Hearts Series, 1986 - 1989, drawings, prints + paintings.
Walking Home alone, 1989, acrylic on paper.
Being Loved, 1988, pastel drawing.

Walking Home Alone, 1987-89, paintings, drawings + prints.
The New Vessels Series overview, 1987 onwards: book, drawings, paintings, prints...
Some images from New Vessels Series, 1987-90, drawings, prints + paintings.
The New Vessels Series - Greetings Mother, 1988, pastel drawing.
The New Vessels Series - How the mortals learn to pray, 1987, pastel drawing.
New Vessels, 1987, 16 illustrations for a book of poetry
Fran, 1985, silkscreen print.
Cast Aluminium Sculpture, 1981

Artwork arranged by medium    By Sen + Sonja    Sonja's c.v.    Sonja's Design page    A tour via thumbnail images