Prints and paintings

by Sonja van Kerkhoff, 1989 - 90

Etching by Sonja van Kerkhoff
Kei te tangi rongo
Singing Out
        Larger view
etching, 1990. Edition of 6.

15 x 20 cm, Ets op papier, € 400,-

Back to part two of the 1998 article about my art.

Etching by Sonja van Kerkhoff
Portrait of the artist
as a bottled peach

arcylic on canvas,
1989, 50 x 80 cm.

Larger view

Etching by Sonja van Kerkhoff                       
Singing Out              
etching, 1990              
48 x 29 cm              
Edition of 10.              

ink drawing on paper
Ae, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata, 1989.
(Translation: Yes, people, people, people.)
Ink and pastel on paper 30 x 40 cm.

The title is the last line of a New Zealand Maori proverb.

painting on paper
In the woods, 1989, acrylic on paper, 40 x 70 cm

See related work: The anatomy lesson
The First Day (Fish Hands)

acrylic on paper
Superwoman takes a rest 1989, acrylic on paper.

acrylic on paper
Terms of Reference, 1989,
acrylic on paper. 38 x 48 cm.

acrylic on canvas

acrylic on canvas

First Step, 1990,
acrylic on canvas, 65 x 65 cm.

More photos of this painting
and about the context of this work.

Found Objects, 1990,
80 x 120 cm, acrylic on canvas.

See related work: The Found Objects series: lithograph + silkscreen print + relief

Terug naar deel 2 van de 1998 artikel over mijn kunst.    back to part 2 of the 1998 article about my art.  

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