Network by Michelle Backhouse.
Stone Sculptures by Sopolemalama Filipe Tohi.
Sculpture by Sopolemalama Filipe Tohi.
Sundial by Sen McGlinn.
Sundial by Sen McGlinn.
Domino Theory by Sen McGlinn.
Inside the compass by Sonja van Kerkhoff.
Detail: Rubbish Blooms by Sonja van Kerkhoff.
Details on left and below: Te Kahu o patupaiarehe I tenei māra,
(The cloak of the fairy folk in this garden)
two cloak-like hangings made out of native New Zealand plants
from this property (harakeke, mamaku (black fern), ponga + other ferns)
by Adrienne Spratt, Brenda Tuuta + Jenny
from the Wānanga O Aotearoa in Palmerston North.
The fairy folk are a fair-skinned mythical people who live in the bush.
Lemon Squeezer by Sen McGlinn.
Cover Up | Āraitia by Sonja van Kerkhoff.
Adrienne Spratt, Brenda Tuuta + Jenny in front of Te Kahu o patupaiarehe I tenei māra
Sculptural kete by Elaine Bevan in collaboration with students of the Te Wānanga o Raukawa (The first Māori educational institute in a contemporary education context, established in 1981), Barry Tahoaroa Watson and Kahui King.
Baskets left to Right: Korowai (Cascading), Tī Pare Rau (Caesar's Crown), Ngā Makawe o Pakotī (The Hair of the Mother of flax).