Kitchen Pythagoras

video (2' 42")
with music by Waiting for Donald (Aotearoa / New Zealand)
by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn

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still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff
still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff

still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff

still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff

A visual-poetic miscellany on an order known to the Greeks as the music of the spheres, and to the Hebrews as Wisdom; found here in the everyday.

Wisdom is glorious, and never fades; seen by them that love her, and found by such as seek her. Whoever seeks her early will have no great travail: we find her sitting at our doors, even at the kitchen door. The first law of relativity, is that it's all related. There are universal harmonies in the chaos of the kitchen. Starting at the kitchen door, we go within. We see the heavens in a bowl. The universe is a scroll, disclosing hidden secrets. We who give our minds to order, and meditate upon it, seek out the wisdom of the ancients. We find that wisdom as a flowing brook, see that what is pure, weighs its lightness: no more no less. It occupies an even place corresponding to its weight.

"Wisdom is more moving than any motion: she passes and goes through all things by reason of her pureness."
(The Wisdom of Solomon, Ch. 6.)

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