The Subject Encounters

by Sonja van Kerkhoff, 1992

The Subject Encounters

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(an article about my work: 1989-98)
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(Over werk tussen 1989-98)

The Subject Encounters

The Subject Encounters, 1992,
Graduation Exhibition, Maastricht School of Visual Arts, The Netherlands.

The Subject Encounters
In a Moroccan hair stylist shop window
as part of Galerie TamTam, 2008, Leiden, The Netherlands.


2008    Threads of the Day, Leids Wevershuis
Leiden Museum of Weaving, Leiden,
The Netherlands

2008    Galerie TamTam, Barber shop window, Leiden,
The Netherlands

2003Diving Deep, Greenbelt arts festival, Cheltenham, U.K.

1993Group Exhibition, Arti Gallery, The Hague, The Netherlands

1992Graduation Exhibition,
Maastricht School of Visual Arts, Maastricht, The Netherlands

The Subject Encounters
The Subject Encounters in the Diving Deep exhibition, 2003, U.K. More about this exhibition.

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