Something about New Zealand

Performance, Quartair Gallery, The Hague , 2001
by Sonja van Kerkhoff, Sen McGlinn, Toroa and Tamatea.

...more to come about the performance...
(Maori chant, dance movements, live violin music, slide and video projections from various locations, drawing, and recorded music for a 30 min long performance. )


The installation:
Something about New Zealand

Left to right: Rewriting the Script, lithograph with readible text and four koru-like forms of women holding
book-like shields.
Sheep, a jigsaw puzzle with the text in charcoal underneath,
On my first day at art school a teacher said to me, "I hope you don't paint sheep". I thought he was joking.

A tangled tale, batiked strips of cloth with readible texts in three languages on each strip.
He toa takitini taku toa, ehara i te toa takitahi, (My courage was the courage of many, not of just one), silkscreen, 1993, 26 x 41 cm, Edition of 12.
Ko toku matua whero (My red parent), acrylic on paper, 1989, 50 x 70 cm, acrylic on paper, 1989.
Ladies Touch Sevens, 1990, Lithograph.
From the Matua series, 1990, acrylic on paper.

>> Sonja's c.v.    installations    Arranged by Medium      A tour via thumbnail images