Greetings Mother, 1990, acrylic on paper, 45 x 70 cm.
More Maatua paintings and prints
These Maatua were an adaption of the New Zealand Maaori poupou (ancestor) figures often carved vertically one under the other and recording the heritage of a people or sub-tribe. I used an isolated figure, in an ambiguous confined space where the tongue became a hand that both reaches and creates a (womb-like) space in front of the body. Most people saw these as exotic monsters not to be taken seriously.
I got sick of them being called monsters, and so I stopped making them and began using text more directly in my work.
Greetings Mother!, was another image was in this series. And the painting illustrated here was a reworking of my homesickness for things Maaori. Here in the Netherlands people walk on the land controlling it and containing it. In Aotearoa (New Zealand) we personify the land. Papatuanuki is our mother.
inclines her axis,
plough fields and snow fields
groan and begin.
From New Vessels, the book.
My first works in the Netherlands were responses to the psychologicaland spiritual coldness
I felt here. My He Matua (Parent) images screamed became angrier and angrier. Screaming for contact daring you to look at them in the eye. I was surprised at how angry they were and how hard I found it to live here. They were also direct responses to the feeling that I had to paint like a man to be taken seriously by my tutors. I was even instructed by the painting tutors to paint with a large paintbrush and to paint objectively!

He Maatua (Ancesters / Guardians), artschool studio view, 1989. Acrylic on canvas or paper.
From 200 x 50 cm until 70 x 50 cm.
More Maatua paintings and prints