Still at 19 seconds.
Still at 52 seconds showing a Dutch Friesan landscape
Still at 2 min 20 seconds
showing a Dutch beehive pole, a Belgium forest and an English view of the north sea.
A chirpy European road movie. Some might see the current political challenges as a regression but in this video, bustle and motion are reminders that nothing is ever finished and that borders change.
The music arranged, performed and produced by Semay Wu (U.K.) is an adaption of the "Unfinished Symphony" by Franz Schubert. Being European is a never ending symphony of mutability.
A pink triangle appears in what could be a night sky, but is a dome-like structure - a symbol here for a world defined by social constructs. The pink triangle was worn in Nazi concentration camps as a badge to identify homosexual prisoners.
The pink triangle, first a badge of shame, later claimed as a badge of pride, tumbles down and dissolves into a band (or sea) of red. And the dark dome dissolves to a bee filled sky. The bees at work, form lines - borders and patterns - that are in constant flux.
Still at 31 seconds
A city bee hive in Maastricht, The Netherlands
and southern Germany.
Later bands of colour both intersect and highlight the landscapes of the Netherlands, France, Italy, Germany, the U.K., Belgium and Switzerland filmed between 2014 and 2018.
The ending credits name the country and year same sex marriage was legalized ending with 2019, the year this video was made. The video ends with changing flickers of light on the dome frame.