Re-staging -
Pourangi mataora: Whakaaro whakahoki

sculpture by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn 2020
Kaipara Coast Garden Sculpture Trail
Dec 2020 - Feb 2022

     Sculpture by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn
July 2021, Kaipara Sculpture Gardens.

     Sculpture by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn
July 2021, Kaipara Sculpture Gardens.

   Sculpture by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn   
July 2021, Kaipara Sculpture Gardens.   

This 'stage' is a re-staging of wooden pallets upcycled from a Whangārei pet shop, and a re-staging for the visitor who steps up to this platform from a choice of pathways taken or to take. It is more a meeting of multiple routes but as expressed in the Māori part of the title, the 're-staging' is considered, living, multiple and evelated.

In another sense it is a sculptural intervention for meditation or the performative. A poetic upcycling.
A reminder that things come around. The pallets are also an artwork for walking on and creating a changed perspective.

     Sculpture by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn
July 2021, Kaipara Sculpture Gardens.

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