Left to Right: (detail) May the spring bloom beneath your feet, animation by Lipika Sen & Prabhjyot Majithia, Muted by Ursula Christel,
3 piece assemblage (toolbox, aerosol can and fire extinguisher) by Jeff Thomson, Fluidity of Memory (triptych) by Hilda Simetin,
Talking sticks, korare stems + acrylic paint, by Carolyn Lye, The Map of Hard Places, Mixed media on board, by Brenda Liddiard,
688, photograph of 688 ceramic vessels by Naomi Roche, Buona e' la neve che a suo tempo viene (Good is the snow that comes in its time), photograph by Chiara Rubino,
Truisms, five circular forms + Father and son mirrored, print on aluminium by Sonja van Kerkhoff
Āta Haere (Slow Down) sign design and photograph by Cle Tukuitonga,
Photograph by Giacomo Silvano, Nikau D'urville, sea chart, ink, resin, by Robert Brown, What kind of idea, print on aluminium by Sonja van Kerkhoff,
Aderman islands, sea chart, ink, resin, by Robert Brown, Te Ara ki Rangihoua: The Way to Rangihoua, scallop shells, brown string, moko adhesive, by Yllwbro (Courtesy Mokopōpaki)
Vogel, ceramic bird, by Jacqueline Wassen, Geolith, video by Brit Bunkley, Corrugated and separated (ironing board), by Jeff Thomson
Alicia Courtney, Moerwera, The Far North, |
Left to Right: Adjust to the Driving (2018)