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More about the festival and exhibition is here.
<< Dierenkliniek de Mare (The Mare Veterinary Clinic), Leiden. The works are top to bottom by: Daniel Lehan (www.daniel-lehan.com), Ella Guru. Left: The Shift by Elaine Arkell and (right) Leiden Reflected by Sonja van Kerkhoff.
Another work (barely visible because of the reflection) is a shrub in a box by Sen McGlinn. See: Cornus Sanguinea to view this.
Below: Left: The Shift by Elaine Arkell + a photo-collage by Ella Guru.
Detail: Conversations by Sonja van Kerkhoff of 3 lines of drawings of film on glass and mirror in the window of Moroccan-owned hairstylist shop, Abdullah Kapsaloon in the Beatrixstraat, 2008
The Subject (shoe, mirror + text) +
six Seeds of Hope by Sonja van Kerkhoff
Silkscreen print and drawing by Sonja van Kerkhoff in the Rondedans, elderly centre.