Photo print on transparency. Edition of 35.
12 x 20 x 2 cm. Limited stocks.
These photographs are from three performance-happenings Sonja coordinated at music festivals in New Zealand in 2011, 2014 and 2015. The first was 'red' where Sonja borrowed red clothing from the people at the festival and then choreographed the walk as 'red transit' across a valley. The idea was that red moves across the land like a paintbrush moving across the canvas. This performance is recorded in the 7 minute video "Transit in a Green Landscape" (see:
For 'blue' the landscape are the Kaiapara Hills in the north of New Zealand and for 'yellow' the river flows into the east coast.
The idea of getting people to walk together in a colour plays on various issues such as group mentality and group socialisation.
2015 | Schetsen uit de map | Sketches out of the folder, Sidac Studio, Leiden, Nederland | The Netherlands