Still 6 seconds into the video showing a meeting in the Hague,
The Dutch parliament and our young sons running around
in the foyer of the Peace Palace in the Hague.
A compass-clock can be seen as perspective in motion or a transcient point of view.
We took the theme of a 'compass-clock' is a way of viewing our experiences with diverse European cultures. The video starts at zero for us, the Netherlands our home for the past 20 years, then turning clockwise, shots of our family flash by against various modes of documentation to create a dance between personal and public record.
The music is a remix of music by friends Sandy Hoover (U.K. / U.S.) with credit to Los de Abjo
+ Kath Tait (N.Z. / U.K.), also born outside of Europe + who have spent decades living + working here.
The footage selected from the EU archive contrasts diverse aspects of European life-worlds: cities, institutions, projects supported by the ESF (European Social Funds), as well as historical events, with stills of our family in places such as the Hague Peace Palace, Legoland in Denmark, Oulu + Helsinki in winter, Baltic towns, Polish + Czech mountains, German streets, Italian + Spanish coasts, Luxemburg, Belgian, French + Irish views, + ancient Scottish stones.
Watch an April version of this on vimeo
or the March version on