Left to Right: "Pin Ritual" performed by Kirsty Hall, "Foot Wash Extravaganza" by Elly Cooke. Behind are photographs by Elly Cooke.
|  Above: One of the entrances to the show with information on the desk and Kirsty in the foreground.
These performance works by Kirsty Hall and Elly Cooke lasted a few hours and
were performed on the two afternoons I was there.
Kirsty Hall's performance consisted of adding pins to a piece of light cloth. She was approachable and chatted with members of the public. She was amicably sewing while creating a heavy armour of pins.
For "Ice Prayer" Elly Cooke knelt on the floor, with eyes closed, holding an ice cast of the space between her hands. Each performance continued until all the ice had melted and here lasted for about 30 minutes. Issues such as endurance and persistance, were poignantly connected with mediatation and prayer and the forces of nature.
Left to Right: Glass Hairbrush with cat's whiskers, under the glass dome by Siobhan Nolan; ???, black and white painting; ??? yellow and brown painting; Metanoia, spoken words you could hear on the earphones hanging on the wall and |  |
Echoes of the Heart, three heart shaped glass objects laid on the light box are by Holly Robertson.
Glass Hairbrush with cat's whiskers by Siobhan Nolan.
Above: Echoes of the Heart cast glass objects, lightbox by Holly Robertson. Metanoia, the sound work on the wall was subtitled: 'the process whereby one turns to God and one's heart is changed from stone to flesh. Heart felt change.' What you heard was first an adjective, such as 'cold' or 'warm', and then the word 'heart', and so on, spokenly in a soft woman's voice.
Left to Right: ?Hotel Destination 2002, digital print, 105 x 6 cm by Ann Walker, Glass Hairbrush with cat's whiskers by Siobhan Nolan, under a glass dome; ???, arylic on canvas by ???; The Subject Encounters, text, mirror in a shoe by Sonja van Kerkhoff; Plaster masks and photographs of these are by Annelies Egli.
Left to Right: ?Hotel Destination 2002, digital print, 105 x 6 cm by Ann Walker, ???, arylic on canvas by ???; The Subject Encounters, text, mirror in a shoe by Sonja van Kerkhoff. Other views of the Subject Encounters

Front to Back: Glass Hairbrush with cat's whiskers by Siobhan Nolan, under a glass dome; Accessing the Blue Void, arylic on hardboard and wooden support by Chris Baker.
Below Right: ???, arylic on canvas (black and white) by ????. |
Above Left: Accessing the Blue Void, arylic on hardboard and wooden support by Chris Baker.
Above Left to Right: Autogenocide, three photographs by Amy Freeman; Heavy Metal Mouthpiece, baby teeth within a lead surround, by Sarah Bowden; Lard Caravan, lard, string and card by Lorna Trupee; Accessing the Blue Void, arylic on hardboard and wooden support by Chris Baker; The Unwritten Document, drawing on a lithographic stone by Georgina Phipps.
 Heavy Metal Mouthpiece, baby teeth within a lead surround, by Sarah Bowden.
The baby teeth are the artist's and her sibling's collected by her mother.
Lard Caravan, lard, string and card by Lorna Trupee.
Above: Autogenocide, three photographs by Amy Freeman.
 Left to Right: Confession Box , embroidered and painted materials in a perspex box by Lesley Sutton; Chair, numerous words in pen on paper by Kate Pickering; The Sower, egg tempera and gesso on canvas by Colin Carruthers; Grey Matter, three old cut cabbages inside cellophane, by Catherine Barclay; The Unwritten Document, drawing on a lithographic stone by Georgina Phipps.
Grey Matter, one of the three old cut cabbages inside cellophane, by Catherine Barclay.
Left and Below: Confession Box embroidered and painted materials in a perspex box by Lesley Sutton |