Another way of saying it is raining in Maori is "Ranginui (the skyfather) is crying for Papatuanuku." Personifying the natural world and hence showing our human dependence on and relationship with nature, also gives the falling rain an emotional association.
The main theme of the video is about having 'feeling,' being able to feel despite traumatic childhood events. Tears are signs of emotion, a sign of being able to feel, to listen, to learn from and to relate to the environment.
Half-filled screens with changing accents relate to the texts in relation to feeling, and being as subjective as it is, you never know whether the glass is half full.
This video was initially made for the video installation: Kāinga a roto, and is for sale as part of a suite of 5 videos on this dvd
More about these five videos is here
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Texts: Three lines of lyrics from "Four Seasons in One Day"
by Neil + Tim Finn,
Sociology by Anthony Giddens,
Paraphrases from the article The Scapegoat Complex: Archetypal Reflections on a Culture of Severance by George McGrath Callan.
A few lines from The Four Quartets
by T.S. Elliot
Sounds: recordings from the Whanganui river, Whakahoro, Taranaki, New Zealand plus from the project, all reworked in Audacity by Sonja.
Voice: Sonja van Kerkhoff
Sound engineering of the voice: Sandy Hoover
Leiden, The Netherlands, Otago Peninsula, Moeraki, Kaupokonui beach, Whanganui River, Muriwai, Helensville, Mt Dampner Falls, Parihaka, Aotearoa | New Zealand, Barnard Castle, U.K.