Sen McGlinn

Academic Curriculum Vitae


Born Christchurch, New Zealand.


First Class Honours in English Literature, with minor studies in Theology.


Masters in Islamology (cum laude), Univeristy of Leiden, The Netherlands.


I am presently an editor and member of the Board of Advisors for the Iranian Studies Series. (Choose ‘search’ and search on “iranian”).


I also am a long-time moderator for the H-Bahai discussion list, see

Although much of my work is particular to Bahai theology, I am also active in Persian studies, the sociology of religion and world theology. Some works in these fields are:

The Essence of Modernity: Mirza Yusof Khan Musthashar ad-Dowla Tabrizi's Treatise on Codified Law (Yak Kaleme).
A.A. Seyed-Gohrab & S. McGlinn, (edition, translation and introduction), Amsterdam, Rozenburg Publ. 2007.

A common language for postmodern political theologies, paper delivered at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Theology, 3-6 April 2006, in Leeds, UK.
Published on this site.

Leaving something to be desired: Geertz on religious development in Islam Observed. Published on this site.

Family Law in Iran Published on this site.

The Treasury of Tabriz: The Great Il-Khanid Compendium
A.A. Seyed-Gohrab & S. McGlinn (eds), (Forthcoming)

Gog and Magog: The Clans of Chaos in World Literature
A.A. Seyed-Gohrab, F. Doufikar-Aerts & S. McGlinn (eds), (Forthcoming)