The Dark Valley

14 min 9 sec, 2010
by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn

still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn

still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn
still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn

still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn

still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn  

still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn

still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn

still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn

still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn

still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn

A soundscape of Maori traditional instruments, children and the natural world complements the images of misty hills and valleys which dominate a story about childhood and trauma, fantasy, projection and memory.

Sounds: Pūherehua (bull roarer) jam at the 2009 Tahora folk festival, Jerome Kavanagh playing the poi āwhiowhio, pūtātara, pūtōrino + nguru; jam with Taonga Pūoro at a marae along the Whanganui River, various sounds courtesy of Luftrum, yewbic, greyseraphim, plagasul & children at Te Papa museum by jmfh from The Freesound Project ( birds, sea, river, rain, forest, wind recorded on location.

Sound engineering of the voice:
Sandy Hoover

Text: Text: Paraphrases from the essay, "This is not a game: testimony and the making and unmaking of the child as a political subject" by Julia Emberley in Australian Humanities Research. Special Issue. Testimony and Trauma: New Directions. 15.3 (2009): 48-64.

still from a video by Sonja van Kerkhoff + Sen McGlinn, 8 min, 5 sec, 6

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