My Bahai-related email postings

Miscellaneous postings

Postings related to Bábism

Various sources give different figures for the number of Babi and Bahai martyrs in Iran, most of whom were Babis killed in the 19th century. The figures range from 4,000 up to 20,000. Is one or other figure official? Can we explain the discrepancies?
Posted on Talisman9, 7 December 2007

Postings related to The Bible...

Review of The Apocalypse Unsealed, by Robert Riggs (New York: Philosophical Library, 1981) with some thoughts on the use of Christian Scripture in the Baha'i community.

I would like to present some thoughts on the use of Biblical literature and general, and apocalyptic literature in general, in the Baha'i community, and I want to do this by beginning with what is in essence a book review of one well-known Baha'i book, *The Apocalypse Unsealed,* by Robert Riggs
... Soundly based readings will require a respect for the original meaning of the text, a good deal less audacity in proposing its meaning for our own community, and a willingness to learn where others have gone before: instead of re-inventing the wheel, we could start by using the many good critical commentaries already published.
Posted to Bahai Biblical Studies, 1 July 2007